Academic Support
Assigning Contact Hours
Contact Hours
As a general rule, contact hours should be assigned to the individual with classroom contact whether that person is a faculty member or a teaching assistant. Possible instructor types include:
- Instructors – Assign contact hours for time spent in front of students (and also prep?)
- Teaching Assistants – Assign contact hours for time spent in front of students
- Graders – Contact hours should be set at zero for graders [will be automatic]
- Travel – TBD
- Others?
The base contact hours for a course are based on all periods that a base hour course meets. Each meeting time will include all the periods that a course meets or a portion of the total number of periods. If a portion of the total periods for the course is represented by a meeting time, then an equivalent portion of the base contact and/or head count hours will be used to calculate the total contact that the department must match when entering the instructor(s) for that meeting time.
Base count courses
Base count courses are those for with the contact hours for the course are a function of the number of periods the course meets. Generally base count courses:
- Have a fixed meeting time & place
- Are not affected by enrollment
- May have multiple meeting times
Thus, calculated base count contact hours = (# periods in meet time/total periods course meets) multiplied by the original base contact
The results of these calculations are stored in the base contact field in the AAR System and are used to calculate the contact total for base count sections.
Head count courses
Head count courses are those for which the contact hours for the course are a function of the course enrollment. Head count course generally:
- Do not have a fixed meeting time & place
- Determined by the number of students in a section
Calculated head count contact hours = (# periods in meet time/total periods course meets) multiplied by the enrollment.
The results of these calculations are stored in the head count field in the AAR System and are used to calculate the contact total for the section.
Total contact hours
Total contact hours are the minimum number of contact hours required to be allocated between instructors teaching a course. Total contact hours are based on the following factors:
- The number of periods that a meeting time represents
- Whether the course is a base contact hour, head count or both
- If there is more than one unique course meeting at the same time
- If the course is not unique and meeting at the same time, are all of the non-unique courses being sponsored by the same department?
It should be noted that when two courses share the same meeting time, each course may have a different base contact hour associated with it. In these particular cases, it will be the largest base contact hour of all courses involved that will be used to determine total contact hours.
Contact total hours for each meeting time are calculated as follows:
- If course is only base contact hour then contact total = calculated base contact hour
- If course is only head count then contact total = calculated head count hour * paying enrollment
- If both base contact and head count are associated with the course then contact total = (head count * paying enrollment) + base contact (this calculation only applies to courses that do not share a meeting time with other courses)
Multiple meeting times
For any given meeting time there is either one course that will meet at that time or there will be several. If there are several, they will either be the same course, several different unique courses or a combination of both. Which category that the course or courses fall into will determine how the contact total for the meeting time will be divided among the course(s).
If there is only one course that meets then all of the contact total will be assigned to that course.
If more than one course meets and all are not unique then the contact hour is divided up according to which course will be added to the AAR file (see next topic). All courses that are determined to be added to the AAR file will split the contact total that was calculated for the meeting time.
If a course is not unique and is sponsored by a different department then it will split the contact total equally with all other courses that will be added to the AAR file for the meeting time.
If all the courses are unique then each would be assigned an equal portion of the contact total.
Shared meeting times
Courses with shared meeting times are course where different course sections share the same meeting time and often, instructor. Shared meeting times can occur when two departments share a section together or when a department teaches two different sections during the same time such as a graduate section and undergraduate section.
For base count sections, the base hours will be equally split between the sections. For head count sections, contact hours will be distributed per enrollment in each section.
Shared and Multiple meeting times
Some sections will have shared and multiple meeting times. In these cases, base hours are assigned to the lowest section number only [fix in new system?] Discussion meeting times are assigned workload allotment accordingly.
Thesis sections
Thesis sections are those with section numbers 6971, 7979, 7980 or any other section coded “T” for thesis. Instructors for thesis sections serve on a graduate student’s supervisory committee in one of three roles: Chairman, Co-Chair, or member, known as committee assignments. Committee assignments will populate into AAR from the Graduate Information Management System, or (GIMS).
Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs will be labeled “Chair” in the “Role” field and are assigned full head count value for every committee they serve on as a chair or co-chair.
Committee Members will labeled as “Member” in the “Role” field and are assigned 1/3 head count for every committee they serve on as a member.
Because of this, the Total Contact Hours assigned for the section may be higher than the section contact total. However, this is allowable for thesis sections and will not cause an alert in the system.
Individual Study Courses
Undergraduate individual study courses are managed by departments and will continue to be manually entered and tracked. Departments are responsible for communicating course information to AAR Coordinators for entry into the AAR System.
Head count hours for individual study courses (course numbers: 4905, 6905, 6971, 7979, 7980) are calculated by dividing the contact total by 2 with the result being the head count contact hour for the course. For example, in section 7980, there are four students enrolled. The total contact hours for the section would be 2, or 0.5 per student.
TV Replay Courses
For any term that a course is taught by TV replay, the course is assigned a base contact hour of .10.
Online Courses
Maximum effort
The maximum percentage (MAX%) is calculated based on the contact hours reported and their defined value in the 12 hour law. If effort devoted to teaching exceeds this MAX%, the remainder will be reported in Other Instructional Activities (OIA).
MAX EFFORT % = CONTACT HOURS/12 or by 8 for LAW courses.
Summer Registration and Instructor Effort Reporting for 6971s, 7979s and 7980s
Administrative requirements
Any students registered in the summer for courses numbered 6971, 7979, or 7980 must be registered with a graduate faculty member who is designated as the instructor and able to assign an appropriate S/U grade at the end of the term. Faculty members on nine-month contracts who are not otherwise employed in summer cannot be assigned effort as instructors for 6971/7979/7980 unless compensated.
Option for department chair, director, associate dean, or grad coordinator to be assigned effort in summer as “summer member”
If a student needs to register for 6971, 7979, or 7980 during the summer and no member of their supervisory committee is available to be listed as instructor and enter a grade for their summer work, then a department chair or other appropriate graduate faculty member on a 12-month appointment should be designated as the student’s instructor for the purposes of accounting for the student’s progress and entering a grade at the end of the term. A “summer member” option will be added to GIMS for this purpose.
Procedures for alternate assignments
In units in which a department chair, graduate coordinator, associate dean, director or equivalent need to be assigned effort for supervising 6971s, 7979s, and 7980s in summer as described above, the following procedure will be implemented.
- The unit will identify the appropriate department chair, graduate coordinator, associate dean, director or equivalent on 12-month contract to be available as a “summer member” for this purpose. This 12-month employee must have graduate faculty status in the student’s program.
- Unit staff will then assign effort to the appropriate graduate faculty member for each student’s 6971, 7979, or 7980 registration each summer. Colleges have the following options for assignments:
- Assign 6971/7979/7980 effort to the student’s supervisory chair or co-chair, if that faculty member is employed in the summer and has effort available.
- Assign 6971/7979/7980 effort to a regular/internal member of the student’s supervisory committee, if that faculty member is employed in the summer and has effort available.
- Assign 7979/7980 effort to an external member of the doctoral student’s supervisory committee, if that faculty member is employed in the summer and has effort available.
- If none of the student’s supervisory committee members are available, assign 6971/7979/7980 effort to a “summer member” designated above.
Other considerations
Colleges and programs may develop their own administrative procedures to comply with administrative requirements depending on internal contingencies, but the Graduate School’s preferred order of options above is 1-2-3-4.
If a department chair or coordinator is listed as a summer member on a student’s supervisory committee only for the purposes of assigning 6971/7979/7980 grades, they must account for the student’s academic progress when entering grades, but they are not required to sign the ETD signature page or attend oral exams or defenses. The summer member appointment will not be displayed on the Committee Details or Committee Statistics tabs on the Faculty page in GIMS nor on the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD) page. Summer member data will be imported into SIS from GIMS but will not be counted toward Online Promotion and Tenure (OPT) packets.